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What is the Ideal Body Shape

for North Americans?

  • In General: The North Americans women seem to like a BMI at around 26. They also like to have little body fat. Two famous body shapes are ectomorph and mesomorph. Ectomorph is a lean and angular body shape, with long limbs, and a slender, slim, narrow waist. Ectomorphs can lose weight easily and have lower levels of body fat but find it more difficult to gain lean muscle mass. Mesomorph is a strong athletic body type, with a muscular build, well-developed shoulders and slim hips. Mesomorphs have a faster metabolism than other body types and can lose weight and gain muscle mass easily. Women also prefer to have a bigger bust size because of the preferences of men.

  • USA: The American women prefer to become skinny and the American media heavily promotes it. They like to have less than 20% body fat.

  • Mexico: The Mexicans prefer wider hips but a thinner overall figure. They also prefer an hourglass figure and have flat stomachs as an ideal body shape.

  • Canada: The Canadian women are inspired by American culture. The American media heavily influences the preferred body shape of Canadian women. They also prefer being skinny and having low body fat.

  • Caribbean: Caribbean women preferred to have their body shaped like a Coca-Cola bottle because it makes other people consider them as sexy. Other Caribbean women are also influenced by the American media and like skinny bodies and low body fat.

  • In General: Many people prefer men to become muscular and that is what they try to become. The media greatly promotes the idea of muscular men and many advertisements show how to get muscular fast.

  • USA: The American men follow the media and prefer a big muscular body. Along with this preference, other American men prefer to become skinny along with it.

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